Modelo de gestão de contratos para obras públicas habitacionais




The real estate market, specifically the building sector, has suffered expressive changes in its market concepts. This is due to an increase in competition and higher pressure on costs and terms reduction, together with emerging demands on quality from costumers, which present more and more consciousness about their own rights. By one hand, the actual circumstances demand a general change in managerial methods in building companies. By the other, they also require changes in mentality and projects managerial methodologies from public agencies acting as contractors, specially in what concerns to social habitations. Despite of some positive aspects on current efforts from public agencies and service contractors, the public institutions still face relevant problems regarding to product final quality and contract prices and terms amendments. Besides, trade relations are commonly tense, on which prevails a contractual mentality of litigation.From this perspective, the following work has developed a model for habitationconstruction contracts management, whereby the public agencies will conduct full procurement power close to building companies. This model is based on the principle that a restricted quality assurance system shall be required on public habitations bids. This restricted system incorporates process control elements, based on B-level from the Programa Brasileiro de Qualidade e Produtividade no Habitat - PBQP-H, as well as on Lean Construction and some complementary aspects comprising contract management and working conditions at work yards. 22 The hypothetical assumptions contemplate, synthetically, the following points: a public institution,which engages construction services only by lowest price offer, may perform full procurement power through a restricted quality assurance system defined in public notices? This management model may assure final quality on constructions, even if the ontractor has not adopted any kind of quality management system? Assuming the public notices as a legal public instrument, which implies compelling on all requirements, is it possible to create an environment which engages all involved employees into a common synergy and effective costumer- oriented mentality? Based on these points, essays have been conducted in order to implement this restricted quality assurance system in two building yards, each one in charge of a specific company. The main aspects regarding this actions are discussed, as well as the inferred results. Highlight is given to a general relationship improvement between contractor and contracted company, an effective quality control over construction materials and processes,expressive reduction of contractual terms and better integration among designers, executive staff, suppliers and other enterprise agents.


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