Modelo de distribuição de diâmetros para clones de eucalipto em sistema agroflorestal / A diameter distribution model for even-aged agroforest stand of eucalyptus clones




The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate a diameter distribution model of even-aged agroforest stand of eucalyptus clones. The data comes from an agroforest stand, owned by the Aço-Florestal Ltda. company that belongs to the Votorantim group, located in the northwest region of the Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The recovery of the diameter distributions was done starting from regression equations that correlate the parameters of the right hand side truncated Weibull function fitted by the maximum likelihood method in a future age ([Beta]2 and Y2), with parameters in a current age ([Beta]1 and Y1) and with characteristics of the stand in current and future ages. Diameter distributions graphs were built to evaluate the consistence and predicting capacity of the system of equations: initial distribution observed and the distribution predicted for the same initial moment; distribution observed in a future age and the distribution predicted for the same future age starting from an initial distribution; and predicted distributions for future ages starting from different initial distribution. Thus, those analyses allow concluding that the complete truncated right hand side Weibull density probability function describes the diameter distribution per diameter class in a precise way for agroforests. The system of equations to predict diameter distribution model can be applied in agroforest stand of eucalyptus clones.


modelo de distribuição diamétrica manejo florestal diametric distribution model sistema agroflorestal weibull function função weibull agroforestry system

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