Modelo de atenção à saúde de usuários de álcool e outras drogas no Contexto do Centro de Atenção Psicossocial CAPSad. / Health care models for users of alcohol and other drugs in the context of CAPSad.




In Brazil, the network of attention to questions related to alcohol and other drugs is already low. The health care model based on hospitalization and abstinence as the sole therapeutic goal still appears hegemonic. This has been identified as a reflection of the gap resulting from the care little emphasis by public policies to address the health of users of alcohol and other drugs and their families. From this decade, there is the expansion of the number of Centers of Psychosocial Care Alcohol and other Drugs (CAPSad), the main public institution for specialized care for disorders resulting from abuse and dependence of alcohol and other drugs. The production of empirical research on the knowledge and practices of health in construction from CAPSad is characterized little and publication restricted because of recent implementation services in the country. This study aims to examine the health care model for users of alcohol and other drugs in the CAPSad. Thus, there was single case study and ethnographic in a service in the State of Bahia, Brazil. The data were produced between january 2007 and march 2008 by the triangulation of multiple sources of evidence: analysis of documents, semi-structured interviews with managers, focus groups with professionals and family members, direct observation, participant observation, narrative interviews with users. The data show that the partnership established to implement the CAPSad studied with a reference center in the country pioneering the development of harm reduction programs contributed effectively to a different institutional trajectory and the construction of a positive experience of health care for users of alcohol and other drugs referenced on the principles of psychiatric reform and the harm reduction. The harm reduction approach distinguishes itself as a powerful strategy for psychosocial care for users of alcohol and other drugs in the context of a substitute mental health service. The practices of care produced from CAPSad studied were characterized by the humanization of care and commitment to the recovery of the citizenship of users and their families. It concluded that, despite the challenges of psychosocial care to users of alcohol and other drugs and their families in the CAPSad, the meaning of their practice of health highlights the potential of health care model based by the harm reduction approach.


políticas públicas substance-related disorders saude publica atenção à saúde redução de danos transtornos relacionados ao uso de substâncias health care public policies capsad capsad harm reduction

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