Modelo abrangente e reconhecimento de gestos com as mãos livres para ambientes 3D. / Comprehensive model and gesture recognition with free hands for 3d environments.




This works main goal is to make possible the recognition of free hand gestures, for use in interaction in 3D environments, allowing the gestures to be selected, for each interaction context, from a large set of possible gestures. This large set must increase the probability of selecting a gesture which already exists in the applications domain or with clear logic association with the actions they command and, thus, to facilitate the learning, memorization and use of these gestures. These requirements are important to entertainment and education applications, this works main targets. A gesture model is proposed that, based on a linguistic approach, divides them in three components: hand posture and movement and the location where it starts. Combining small numbers for each of these components, this model allows the definition of tens of thousands of gestures, of different types. The recognition of gestures so modeled is implemented by a finite state machine with explicit rules which combines the recognition of each of its components. This machine only uses the hypothesis that gestures are segmented in time by known posture, and no other related to the way in which each component is recognized, allowing its use with different algorithms and in different contexts. While this model and this finite state machine are this works main contributions, it also includes the development of simple but novel algorithms for the recognition of twelve basic movements and a large variety of postures requiring highly accessible equipment and little setup. It likewise includes the development of a modular framework for the recognition of hand gestures in general, that may also be applied to other domains and algorithms. Beyond that, tests with users raise several questions about this form of interaction. They also show that the system satisfies the requirements set for it.


computer vision ambientes virtuais e aumentados gesture recognition interação humano-computador human computer interaction reconhecimento de gestos virtual and augmented environments visão computacional

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