Modelando a Volatilidade de Retornos em Alta Frequência / Modeling High Frequency Return Volatility




The aim of this paper is to assess the empirical characteristics of a high-frequency return series of one of the main assets traded at the São Paulo Stock Exchange. We are interested in modeling the conditional volatility of this return series, particularly testing for the hypothesis of a long-memory process. Our findings reveal that besides long memory, there is strong intradaily periodicity, but we found no evidence towards a major stocks stylized fact, the leverage effect. We use models that are able to account for the long memory in the conditional variance of the seasonally adjusted returns, yielding superior results when compared to traditional short-memory volatility models, with important implications to option pricing and risk management


figarch economia figarch memória longa dados em alta freqüência long-memory sazonalidade intradiária intraday periodicity high frequency data

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