Modelamento de poços em simulação numerica de reservatorios considerando fluxo multifasico




Numerical reservoir simulators, in general, use well models based on extensions of single-phase flow relations to the multiphase flow problem. Normaly, this approach is satisfatory, but under certain conditions, significatives erros in the calculation of rate of fluids and weflbore pressure may happen. This occurs, wher we have high pressure and saturation gradients in the neighborhood of the wells, by the prodution condition and use of an orthogonal grid with large well block. This study, extends well testing concepts for multiphase flow, in order to develop a multiphase well model for numerical reservoir simulation applications. The well model presented in this work calculates saturations and pressures throug an equation to relate saturation and pressure. This equation is obtained by combination of oil and gas difusivity equations. The start point of the analitical calculation in order to obtain the pressure and saturation distribution is the position of the well block pressure and saturation calculated by the simulator. This position has been object of analyse in this present study. With pressure and saturation distribution, oil and gas rates can be calculated by numerical integration. The conditions for application of the proposed method and the procedure for its utilization are described


poços de petroleo engenharia do petroleo engenharia mecanica

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