Modelagem, simulação da operação e otimização multiobjetivo aplicadas ao problema de despacho de veículos em Minas a céu aberto




This work presents the study, analysis and an original mathematical model of the dispatch problem of vehicles in pit mines from the point of view of multiobjective optimization. In addition, is discussed and presented the development of a computer system for simulation of a virtual mine operation, which possesses several characteristics for purposes of general applicability. In this way, it was possible to assess the performance of two multiobjective evolutionary optimization algorithms, analyzed using various scenarios simulated by this computer system. The algorithms implemented were the NSGA-II (Non-Sorting Genetic Algorithm II) and SPEA-2 (Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2). Both were applied to solving the multiobjective optimization problem modeled. Both algorithms provided good results in the various scenarios simulated. As the main contribution of this work, in addition to the original mathematical model, a friendly computational system was implemented, that make possible to simulate complete and complex operation scenarios of open pit mine. With these simulations is possible to assess and validate any dispatch vehicles methodologies due to the possibility of repeating the same mine operation conditions.


engenharia elétrica teses.

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