Modelagem para dados de parasitismo / Modelling parasitism data




Experiments with distinct aims have been conducted in order to study the parasitism mechanism. Bioassays to find optimum conditions for parasite production and to define strategies for application in the field are very common. In this way, for example, the number of parasitized eggs depends on factors such as: species, type and host density, adult longevity and parasite density, type of food, temperature, humidity etc. Hence, the objective of a specific assay can be to study the response variable behavior as a function of the number of parasitoids, number of hosts or type of food. In general, the observable variables are counts or random sums of random variables or proportions with fixed or random denominators. Poisson is the standard distribution used to model counts, while the distribution used for proportions is the binomial. In general, they do not fit to standard distributions don’t fit to data generated by the parasitism process, because their assumptions are not satisfied and alternative models that consider the mechanism of avoidance of superparasitism have appeared in the literature. Some of them consider that the refuse probability (avoidance of superparasitism) is a function of the number of eggs in the host (Bakker, 1967, 1972; Rogers, 1975; Griffiths, 1977) others don’t consider such process (Daley and Maindonald 1989; Griffiths, 1977). Some include the selective behavior of the parasite in the choice of the host and the host ability in attract the parasite (Hemerick et al., 2002). Some of the models have appeared independently, others as generalizations. There is therefore some interest in making a study of the common points of the models. In this work 19 probability models found in the literature are presented to explain the distribution of the number of eggs laid by a parasite on a specific host. As an initial result, the equivalence between some of these models is shown. Also it is shown that a model developed by Faddy (1997) can be considered as a generalization of 18 of the models. The properties of this model are presented and discussed. The equivalence between the Janardan and Faddy models is an original and interesting result. The use of Faddy´s model as a general probability model for the distribution of the number of eggs in a parasite-host system is the main theoretical result of this thesis.


parasitismo poisson process parasitism modelagem de dados processos de poisson data modeling

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