Modelagem matemática : uma proposta metodológica para tornar a aula espaço de problematização, pesquisa e construção / Modelagem matemática : uma proposta metodológica para tornar a aula espaço de problematização, pesquisa e construção




This research had as a goal to analyze the process of application of the Mathematical Modeling (MM) as education method, in a group of 1st year of high school. It is about a research of qualitative matrix and inside of this approach, it has been used the participant. The chosen school is a state public institution in the city of Posse located in the state of Goiás. The research was developed in a group of 26 pupils in the evening class. The choice of the year class and group followed the following criteria: bigger school evasion and lesser performance of the pupils in disciplines of mathematics. The instruments of collection of the used data had been the interview half-structuralized with the teacher, the focal group with the pupils and the participant comment. The subject used for application of the MM was the house construction, which the pupils had elaborated a low house plan, had calculated the amount of some materials and had made survey of costs. The models elaborated by the pupils were low plan, formulas, and tables. The collection data referring to the use of the Mathematical Modeling as education method has fulfilled in 38 lessons. The results gotten through the analysis of the information had demonstrated that the Mathematical Modeling is capable to promote better understanding of the contents through the contextualization work. It has also been verified a bigger interaction among the pupils and the object of knowledge. This bigger interaction has been also perceived among the pupils and teacher. An important contribution of the MM was the satisfaction of the pupils in studying mathematics and being able to promote changes in the conceptions that mathematics is always difficult and tiring. This satisfaction resulted in the increase of interest of the pupils in making the activities and consequently increased their frequency in mathematics lessons. The biggest difficulty identified in achieving MM was the insecurity of the teacher, since the proposed activities were new to that context. The teacher himself stated not to believe, at fist, in this different way of working mathematics in the classroom. This difficulty was overcome as the teacher to see the good results.


ensino e aprendizagem na sala de aula modelagem matemática. ensino-aprendizagem da matemática. contextualização. problematização. mathematical modeling. teach-learning of mathematics. contextualization. problematics.

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