Modelagem do crescimento e da produção de povoamentos de Tectona grandis submetidos a desbaste / Modeling growth and production of stands of Tectona grandis




The objective of this study was to construct a model of growth and production, simulate alternative management stands of teak submitted to selective thinning and evaluate the effectiveness of the selective sampling to obtain data for the modeling of growth and production. The Clutter model was adjusted in its ordinary form, and, also, in the modified form, by the inclusion of a thinning term. Both models were efficient for growth and production, with satisfactory efficiency. It was observed that sites of low productive capacity, which do not respond to thinning, are not indicated for multi-management. However, stands in places with greater productive capacity responded significantly well to thinning. More intense initial thinning was suggested. Regardless of the kind of thinning, the net production is similar, with variations only for the size of the timber harvested along the interventions. By determining the age of thinning in 5 10 and 15 years, with final cut at the age of 20, the handling prescriptions simulated in this study provided similar net productions. But when the criterion of maximum mean annual increment was adopted as a reference for determining the age of thinning, and the volume was considered as an indicator variable, there were differences in net production. In the worst site, it was not observed any response to the application of the third thinning, while in other places, the best prescriptions involved five thinnings before the final cut. The efficiency of the selective sampling for modeling growth and production was evidenced in this study.


growth and production model tectona grandis teca (Árvore) modelo de crscimento e produção manejo florestal thinning desbaste

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