Modelagem de processo de negócio no apoio ao desenvolvimento ágil de software


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work describes a procedure for drawing up user stories based on architecture of business modeling; the objective is to help the implementation of complex systems (large-scale, realtimeor SAP) in environments with great propensity to changes, by the union of iterativebusiness modeling and concepts of agile software development. The characterization of the problem and concepts regarding the method proposed were obtained by bibliographical review and experiences in this scope. The procedure adopted was the research-action, where there was the involvement of the researcher with the other players associated to the problem.The functional and temporal characteristics of the business model were analyzed in theprocess of development of the system, as a result was obtained a new business model turned to the definition of user stories and a systematization of its application, that process allowed toobtain systems of higher quality, since the definition of requirements is more consistent andaligned the strategies of business.


software - desenvolvimento engenharia de software estratégia (administração) sistemas de recuperação da informação information modeling strategy (management) information storage and retrieval systems software development

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