Modelagem 3D e simulação dinamica do escoamento gas-solido em reator downer




The present work provides an unsteady, three-dimensional, two-phase, inviscid model of the solid phase, as an approach of the flow dynamics inside downer reactors of FCC processes, and the validation of the proposed model against experimental data available on the literature. Four geometrical configurations were evaluated to validate the proposed model: downer with an annular axial inlet, downer with two cross radial inlets, downer with one tangential inlet and a downer with four transversal inlets. The main conc1usions about the grid size analysis for the unsteady, three-dimensional and multi-phase flow shows the correct grid independence results to solve partial differential equations system. Studies involving the advection scheme were also performed. By comparison between the numerical predictions on this work and experimental data from literature it is possible to conc1ude that the results present good agreement against each other. In fact, the inviscid model of the solid phase, despite of its simplicity modeling, with 3D transient features, could reproduce quite well the main phenomenological characteristics of the turbulent gas-solid flow. In the 90 s decades, Chinese s started to study the FCC process gravity concurrent1y, studying down flow (downer reactors) instead of upflow behaviors (riser reactors). The experimental studies show fuel increases production and decreases of secondary products formation. This a c1assical example of a change on conceptual between the downer and riser approaches in industrial facilities


reatores fluidizados metodos de simulação modelos matematicos escoamento bifasico

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