Mobilização total e estratégia de aceleração total : percepções de Ernst Junger e de Heiner Muller / Total mobilization and acceleration strategy : perceptions of Ernst Junger and Heiner Muller


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research deals with perceptions of the functioning of the great social machine from the German military and writer Ernst Jünger and from the G rman playwright and poet Heiner Müller. For both, it proposes joints between the oncepts of total mobilization, coined by Jünger, and of economic and technological total acceleration strategy, launched by Müller. At first, the concept of total mobilization is rank to turn by means of subjects such as First World War, technique, worker and pain, covering the passage from the age of gods to the age of titans. In a second moment, is the concept of economic and technological total acceleration strategy that is rank to turn through the line of force of the German history, enclosing the Nazi titanism by means of subjects such as German military machine, Second World War and Auschwitz


guerra mundial guerra mundial nazismo world war world war nazism

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