Mobile banking: proposition of an integrated innovations adoptions framework / Mobile banking: proposição e teste de um modelo integrativo de adoção de inovações




In this Project, factors that influence innovations adoption are investigated based on an integrative model applications proposal within mobile banking adoption context. Therefore, consecrated theoretical models, widely applied on innovation and technology adoption theories and behavior predicting based on attitudes and intentions towards a behavior, are considered integrated as previously proposed by some authors. In addition, the project proposes a model that allows a deeper investigation on antecedents factors towards innovation adoption and also studies existents relations within these factors. Furthermore, mobile banking users and non users adoption influence factors were compared targeting to investigate possible difference among the two groups. This projects main contributions are the identification of the most relevant factors within mobile banking adoption process and these factors relations among themselves and the proposition of a research line for scientific studies on mobile services adoption, area that has obtained great interest from researchers. Data collection method used in this project was based on the survey method with self administrated questionnaires over the internet. For data analysis, Partial Least Square (PLS) method was used to identify relations not only within independent and dependent constructs but also within all constructs in the proposed model. To sum up, the proposed model offers a high variance explanation of the intention construct, offering significant differences among mobile banking users and non users adoption patterns, considering a theory model that allows the possible definition of a research line for future research on adoption of services offered via a mobile phone.


technology adoption comportamento do consumidor consumer behavior difusão de tecnologia inovações tecnológicas - administração mobile banking innovation difusion

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