Minimização de conjuntos de casos de teste para máquinas de estados finitos / Teste suite minimization for finite state machines




THE Model-based testing aims at generating test suites from formal specifications, such as Finite State Machines. Test suites can be obtained either from classical test derivation methods or from some ad-hoc approach. It is desirable to produce a test suite which detects all possible faults of an implementation and has small size, so that its application can be feasible. For practical reasons, the application of the generated test suite may not be possible. Therefore, a subset of test cases should be selected, i.e., a test suite minimization should be performed. However, it is important that the minimization reduces the test application cost, but keeps the effectiveness in revealing faults. In this work, an algorithm is proposed for the minimization of test suites generated from Finite State Machines. The algorithm is based on sufficient conditions, so that test suite completeness can be maintained. The algorithm was used in two different contexts. It was used with randomly generated test suites to verify the minimization obtained. The algorithm was also used to reduce the effort of obtaining a test suite with full fault coverage


sufficient conditions minimization minimização conjuntos de teste test suites condições de suficiência finite state machines máquinas de estados finitos

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