Mídias sociais e a participação política em ambiente digital no Brasil: estudos de casos no Governo Federal.




This paper examines recent possibilities of interaction between state and society, through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), with the inclusion of social media tools as mechanisms of e-government by the Brazilian Federal Executive Power. The journey begins with the presentation of theoretical perspectives related to the discussion on the role of the Internet and ICT, in general, for the construction of new social settings, in which greater opportunities of direct relationship with public agents will be granted, with consequent expectation to promote a greater political participation by citizens. The theoretical discussion will be faced with the scenario the use the Internet in the country, using data from the annual survey publish by Internet Steering Committee in Brazil. Then, an overview of what will be Electronic Government is made, by developing the features of the process in the national in order to pointing out context, for then, to approach characteristics and peculiarities of social media, the so-called Web 2.0. Originally used for commercial as for social informal interactions purposes, these new digital media are, subsequently, appropriated by the state for the purpose of establishing of new channels with the society, which is understood here as an extension of the traditional e-government programs. In this context, pages of social media currently developed by the Federal Government under the Executive in association with government websites for digital interaction with society are investigated. The analysis is built through the cases of the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Health and the Presidency of the Republic, respectively through the analysis of pages of Blog of Rouanet Law, Orkut of the Ministry of Health and the so-called Blog of Planalto. Using the methodological procedure of guided navigation, it seeks to identify how these pages are being used by the Federal Government, through the analysis of the structure of the profiles, the nature of the messages posted and resources of participation offered. It concludes that, although those mechanisms are used by the same sphere of public administration, there are significant differences in how these pages are appropriate, interfering, therefore, in possibilities of interaction and encouragement to political action through the Internet. Associated to this, the results lead to a finding that, however sophisticated may be the initiatives of digital interaction implemented by the government, the application of technology alone will not be able to correct distortions that precede the digital realm and which relate to social and political dimensions that have historically affected the level of civil society participation in public matters in Brazil. Anyway, it is also considered that democracy is a process under permanent construction and social media, conceived as new digital resources of e-government, can potentially contribute to interactions between state and society, with consequent expectations of deeper citizen political participation.


governo eletrônico social media administracao publica electronic government mídias sociais internet participation internet participação

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