Microssociedades no laboratório: o efeito de conseqüências ambientais externas sobre as contingências comportamentais entrelaçadas e seus produtos culturais




Metacontingencies is the unity of analysis that describes a cultural practices process of selection. This unity of analysis is composed by culturant and cultural consequences. The culturant is composed by 1) interlocked behavioral contingencies of two or more individuals that 2) provokes a cultural product. The cultural product is the external criteria that defines a interlocking. Cultural consequences are produced in function of this cultural product. This consequences feeds back the culturant, selecting it. The present work objectives: 1) to investigate if cultarants are selected by cultural consequences; 2) to evaluate modifications and/or maintenance of cultural practices intra and among generations; 3) to observe the emergence of others cultural practices surrounding the programmed cultural pratice consensual choice for a card - (e.g., time of the distractive task, gains distribuction); 4) to evaluate the procedure as a possibility of the laboratory study of metacontingencies. To achieve this objectives, Baums e cols. (2004) procedure was adapted. The participants were 24 university studants divided in two groups representing microssocieties, each group being divided in 10 generations composed by 3 members. The group 1 and group 2 were exposed to the desing AB and BA, respectively, to investigate possible order effects. The general procedure constituted of cards choices stage, and distraction task (production of 4 paper planes) and it was identical in all conditions. In condition A, the members individual choices (interlocking) resulted in consensual choice (cultural product) by cards in colors blue and orange. Choices by blue cards resulted in R$ 0,25 gains and 30 s timeout. Choices by the orange cards resulted in R$ 0,10 gains and produced no timeout. In condition B, the choices were made for yellow or red cards. Choices for yellow cards resulted in R$0,05 gains and produced no timeout. Choices for the red card resulted in R$0,10 and 180 s timeout. Each generation in the present study leasted 30 min, 15 min in each condition. By the end of this period, the participants divided the cumullated gains and the older member was replaced by a new one. The consensual choices of each generation were registered and was observed the maintenance of this choices among generations. In general, both groups demonstrated choices for the effective card (the card that produced greater gains by the end of the session), blue in condition A and yellow in condition B. It was possible to observe that culturants selection ocurred in function of the cultural consequences. Besides that, it was also observed the perpetuation of the programmmed cultural practices (choices for the effective card) among different generations, which demonstrates the cultural transmission of this practice. Others non-programmed cultural practices were observed: similar distribuiction of the distraction task, equally gains distribuction, verbalizations, etc. This study contributes to the comprehension of cultural practices demonstrating a process of selection and transmission of cultural practices, besides of presentting a useful procedure to laboratory investigation of cultural practices.


culturante culturant metacontingencis selection and cultural practices metacontingências psicologia seleção e práticas culturais microssocyeties microssociedades

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