Microextrusão de peças aplicadas a materiais ferrosos e não ferrosos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis presents the study about microforming, in this case microextrusion of the four different materials, an SAE 1020 steel, an AISI 304 stainless steel, an AA6531 aluminum and a C34000 brass. To evaluate the size effect about microextrusion process, two sizes of specimens were used, with a ¿ 4 mm and another with ¿ 1 mm. For each size of specimen, three extrusion angles were used, 30 °, 45 ° and 60 °. The first part of the work was to materials characterizations with chemical and metallographic analysis. Following the materials characterization, the flow stress curves was made using the compression test with two sizes of specimens. The friction was determined using the friction ring test with the three different size. Calibration curves were performed using the software SIMUFACT ¿. The extrusion tests were performed in a universal testing machine capable of capturing such as force and displacement data. A mathematical model was used to compare the extrusion force it was calculated and the force measured in microextrusion. The results indicate that the flow stress curves of macro size can be applied to meso sizes. The ring friction test indicate that the friction values of the micro size has a small value greater than macro size. The extrusion force calculated and measured in the test to meso size has good approximation with a difference of 3.2% in the stainless steel. To pieces of the micro size, the difference between the measured and calculated force increases 995% for the samples of SAE 1020 steel.


ensaios de materiais micromecânica friction friction ring test extrusão latão sae 1020 steel aa6531 aluminum c34000 brass microforming conformação mecânica microextrusion flow stress curves aço inoxidável alumínio extrusion force aisi 304 stainless steel

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