Microcystin-XR degradation by bacteria isolated from public water supply system / Degradação da microcistina-XR por bactérias isoladas de sistema de abastecimento público de água


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Microcystins are potent hepatotoxins and tumor promoters found in freshwaters that cause public health risks and thus represent a serious problem for water treatment plants. The cyanobacterium genus Microcystis is the most known toxin-producer and the most common bloom-forming in water reservoirs used for public supply. However, some bacteria are able to use these toxins as carbon source, which can contribute to its removal from water. This study assessed the potential for degradation of microcystin-XR (MCYST-XR) by heterotrophic bacteria isolated from a public water supply system of the city of Piracicaba-SP. The cyanotoxin MCYSTXR evaluated was isolated from Microcystis aeruginosa strain NPLJ-4 and purified. Pure cultures of 35 bacteria isolated from the water supply system were tested. For this, each bacterium was inoculated in minimal medium salts containing 60 g mL-1 of purified MCYST-XR and after 144 hours the toxin degradation was evaluated by LC-MS/MS analysis. The peaks indicating the mass of microcystin-XR (m/z 1037) were not detected in the culture medium of six bacteria, which were identified by almost complete sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene as belonging to the genera Pseudomonas sp., Sphingomonas sp., Microbacterium sp., Agromyces sp., Bacillus sp. and Acinetobacter sp. This is the first report of an Acinetobacter strain able to degrade MCYST. The kinetic of the MCYST-XR biodegration showed 80% reduction in 72 hours, period in which the bacteria showed the maximum growth. The presence of the mlrA gene encoding the microcystinase enzyme involved in the metabolism of microcystin was evaluated in the genomes of the six bacterial isolates using specific PCR primers. Fragments of approximately 800 bp were amplified in two isolates, Bacillus sp. and Microbacterium sp. Toxicity assays using the cladoceran Daphnia similis were conducted to verify the effective removal of MCYST-XR and the non formation of toxic by-products in the biodegradation pathway. The negative results of the bioassays after 48 hours indicated absence of toxic by-products in the biodegradation pathway.


cianobactérias microcystis aeruginosa nplj-4 biodegradação microbiologia da água 16s rrna cyanotoxin cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência rna ribossômico cyanobacteria toxinas

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