Microbiology and histopathology of bovine lymph nodes with lesions macroscopically suggestive of tuberculosis, collected from May/2002 to January/2004, São Paulo, Brazil. / Microbiologia e histopatologia de linfonodos de bovinos com lesões macroscópicas sugestivas de tuberculose. Colheitas efetuadas de Maio/2002 à Janeiro/2004, São Paulo, Brasil




Lymph nodes of 146 bovines presenting lesions identified macroscopically as suggestive of tuberculosis by the Federal and State Inspection Services of abbatoirs at the State of São Paulo, Brazil, from May, 2002 to January, 2004, that were preserved in sodium borate solution at room temperature for no longer than 60 days, negative to mycobacteria culturing on Lowenstein-Jensen and Stonebrink media, decontaminated by Petroff and HPC methods and kept frozen, were subjected to new cultivations on blood, MacConkey and Sabouraud agars as well as to histopathological examination by Hematoxilin-Eosin and Ziëlh-Neelsen coloration techniques. E. faecium, E. faecalis, E. solitarius, S. arlettaeand S. epidermidis were isolated by culturing. No correlation between the isolated bacteria and the respective lymph nodes localization was found. The histopathological classification of the animals was: 49 presented microscopically no lesion, 4 were Mycobacterium sp. positive, 18 were strongly suggestive of Mycobacterium sp. and 45 were attributed to agents other than mycobacteria. There was no correlation between the histological aspect of the lymphnodes and the microorganisms isolated. The isolated microorganisms were considered as contaminants that had access to these materials during the slaughter procedures.


bovinos bovine lymphatic nodes microbiologia microbiology tuberculose linfonodos histopatologia tuberculosis histopathology

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