Metodos para expressar a excreção urinaria do fluor como indicador de exposição




Urinary fluoride can be used as an index of exposure because fluoride is excreted by lhe kidney into the urine. Biological threshold limit value has been recommended, but there are no agreement about which method to use in order to express urinary fluoride concentration since the sources of exposure can be different.Spot urine samples were collected from adult subjects living in a non-fluoridated water area (L Group), optimal fluoridated water area (P Group) and from exposed workers (E Group), The urinary fluoride concentration were expressed as mg/l, mg/gcreatinine and also adjusted to specific gravity of 1.024 (P Group). The averages from L and P groups showed that urinary fluoride can be express by both mg/l (0.27 and 0.67) or mg/g creatinine (0.24 and 0.67). because anyone can define water or food as a primary source of fluoride exposure. However, the average from results adjusted to specific gravity of 1.024, suggests a higher concentration. In the E Group we found differences between the two averages mg/l (1.64) and mg/g creatinine (1.05), and the statistical analysis suggest that the last one is more accurate


fluor excreção patologia bucal urina

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