Métodos de subgradiente e de dilatação de espaços aplicados ao projeto de rede de telefonia móvel




This work presents a comparative study of Lagrangean relaxation using Subgradient and Spaces Dilatation methods to solve the generalized assignment problem in diversity and capacity constraints (GAP-DC). This problem,appears during the planning of a mobile telephone network. It consists in assigning radio base stations to hubs at a minimal cost, so that the demands on each station and on the capacity of each hub can be met. The GAP-DC is known to be NP-hard. Some computational tests was made with instances acquired from a instances generator and computational results indicatethat although Subgradient algorithms are capable of producing good lower bounds, but the tests based on Spaces Dilatation methods prove that this algorithm get better lower bounds, in a better computational time as well as in the first iteration.


telefonia mÓvel - dissertaÇÕes ciências exatas e da terra

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