Metodos de pontos interiores aplicados ao problema de pre-despacho de um sistema hidroeletrico com manobras programadas / Interior point methods applied the predispatch problem of a hydroeletric system with schuduled mancuver




In this work, the prima-dual interior point methods are used to minimize the DC predispatch generation and transmission costs on hydroeletric systems with previously scheduled maneuver. A study of the matrix structure is also performed considering the changes that occurs in the system after maneuvering. A function, developed in Matlab that controls the maneuver is shown and is adapted in the implementation of interior point methods already developed for the problem without maneuvers. It is important to stress that the computational effort to solve a problem with maneuver is close to the effort for solving the problem without it, the reason for it will be discussed ih this work. Computer results with test systems of the IEEE and real Brazilian systems reinforce this statement


interior point methods metodos de pontos interiores hydroelectric power plants usinas hidroeletricas electric power systems sistemas de energia eletrica

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