Metodos de implantação da NBR ISO 9000 : analise comparativa entre duas metodologias distintas numa abordagem pratica




Quality has been treated emphatically m the last decades. The global tendency of the arkets, due to multi mternational agreements of ftee trading, allowed that suppliers had an easy access to any market all over the world, accelerating all the systematic process of quality and culminating m issue of ISO 9000 series by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) m 1987 which has been followed by many countries, among them, Brazil. The present work has the aim to mtroduce m a descriptive way all the stages of Quality System Implantation according to NBR ISO 9001, 1994, m two small enterprises of metallurgical ramification, (Terminai~ Técnicos Estamparia Ferramentaria Ltda and Kato e Cia.) where it was applied two different methodologies: . the stage methods, in the first and . the group task, in the second. Our proposal work is to report, step by step, the development of each implantation stage, having as an objective to descnoo the difficulties found on the small capacity enterprises, as well the respective solutions


iso 9000 gestão da qualidade total controle de qualidade - normas

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