Métodos construtivos de pontes estaiadas - estudo da distribuição de forças nos estais. / Construction methods of cabled-stayed bridges - study of cable forces distribution.




Cable-stayed bridges consists of a deck supported by inclined and straight cables anchored to the pylons. This type of structure is highly hyperestatic and quite sensitive to the construction sequence, but yet supporting a considerable range of loadings from the cable installation due to the deck flexibility. Nevertheless, due to the deck flexibility the cables can accept a considerable range of loadings. It is important to choose an appropriate initial distribution for those loadings under permanent load, so that the bending moment on the bridge deck is limited. The main goal of this research is to study the different methods for obtaining a good load distribution in cables in cable-stayed bridges. The methods that are studied in this research are: The articulated deck method (there is a joint in every cable-deck junction - MTA), the zero displacement method (MAD), the ficticious support force equilibrium method (MAR), and the construction process zero displacement method. The objective of them all is to obtain a deck bending moment similar to that of a continuous beam. However, if necessary, the displacements of the pylon can be controlled. The first three methods are studied for the bridge final configuration. However, their results for the initial configuration during the construction process are also verified, since there are significant bridge internal loading variations which may change the final outcome. All the results are evaluated in order to choose a method that not also controls the bridge final configuration, but also presents an acceptable cable loading distribution at the end of the construction. This way, a good estimative of the loadings from the pylons installation can be obtained.


pontes estaiadas (comportamento estrutural) forças de implantação dos estais construction procedures sistemas e processos construtivos cable-stayed bridges (structural behavior) cable installation forces

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