Métodos atuariais aplicados à determinação da taxa de prêmio de contratos de seguro agrícola: um estudo de caso. / Actuarial methods applied to the determination of the premium rate of crop insurance contracts: a case study.




This research analyses alternative methods of pricing agricultural insurance contract based on regional yields. The premium rate is calculated using three different approaches: nonparametric method to estimate the density of the agricultural yield; parametric approach fitting the Normal and Beta distributions; and, hierarchical Bayesian models. The data generating process is recovered considering the temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal aspects to make predictions and pricing for area-yield insurance contract. The data used are county yields, collected by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), 1990 through 2002. The first two methods were applied to soybean, corn and wheat in the State of Paraná. In the Bayesian model, the empirical analysis limited to corn, in the State of the Paraná, from 1990 through 2002. The choice of the best model among the several non-nested models tested was based on the posterior predictive criteria. The methods proposed in this research intend to improve the actuarial calculation of the premium rate, taking into account the small size of data regarding agricultural yields. Besides proposing different methodologies, a case study of the viability was carried out. The possibility of implementation of an are-yield agricultural insurance was studied in the region of Castro, in the State of the Paraná. This case study considers the quantification and reduction of the systemic risk and also the correlation of the individual and regional yield. To better understand the problem involving the agricultural insurance, a broad historical review of literature was made in Brazil and U.S.A., considering its legal, institutional and operational aspects. The study shows that if a regional yield insurance contract is offered in the Castro region, producers would benefit from exposure to lower risk levels and also a relatively smaller premium rate than the rates charged by insurance companies in the same region.


inferência paramétrica bayesian inference seguro agrícola information theory crop insurance teoria da informação non parametrics inference inferência bayesiana parametric inference inferência não-paramétrica

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