Metodologia para SeleÃÂÃÂo de Projetos de Parcerias PÃÂblico-Privadas no Setor de Infra-Estrutura RodoviÃÂria no Estado do CearÃÂ / METHODOLOGY FOR SELECTION OF PROJECTS OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP APLICATED TO HIGHWAYS IN THE STATE OF CEARÃ.




This work presents a methodological proposal for selection of projects of Public - Private Partnership (PPP) in the ambit of the PPP Program of Cearà State and directed to the sector of highway infrastructure. The methodology is based on the feasibility studies of projects of PPP and the conditions established in the national law n 11.079/2004 and in the State law n 13.557/2004. With objective to facilitate an comprehension about the motives that carry out the Brazilian government to adopt the PPP as one alternative of financing in the sector of highway infrastructure, the work presents an explanation about the different sources of financing in this sector in Brazil as well about the international experience in the development of projects of PPP. To provide one better understanding of the methodology, the work still presents an explanation about the Public-Private Partnership related to: concepts and definitions; types of contract; benefits, conditions necessaries and restrictions; and feasibility studies of PPP projects. In addition, with the same objective, the main points of both laws 11.079/2004 and 13.557/2004 used in the evaluation of the projects to be included in the PPP Program of state of Cearà are highlighted and analyzed in the work.


public private partnership highway engenharia de transportes financing financiamento rodovias parceria pÃblico privada

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