Metodologia para planejamento da colheita e transporte florestal utilizando geotecnologia e pesquisa operacional / Methodology for planning forest harvesting and transport using geotechnology and operations research.




Considering the current scenario in which the use of forest resources is growing quickly, it is necessary the use of techniques and tools to facilitate the short, medium and long run planning, thus facilitating the search for a more rational use of these precious resources, assisting and supporting the decision making. This study aimed to use the geographic information system and operational research as a basis for planning the extraction of timber in forest plantations. The study was conducted in an area belonging to the âVotorantim Celulose e Papel Company â VCPâ, aiming to propose a new methodology for planning the extraction of timber. It was tried to plan the best places for the stacking of timber and to determine the amount of timber to be allocated in each pile, and also simulate optimal routes between some logpiles of the farms selected for output using the method of least distance for log transportation The results obtained by the spatial analysis (using weighted overlapping layers of slope and existing roads) in software for geographic information system 80 potential locals were found for piling the logs. After this, a new processing was performed using operational research that aimed to maximize the volume of wood in these piles and the result obtained was 21 optimal places to stacking, eliminating 59 of these places from the GIS, with a reduction of, approximately, 73%. It was determined the amount of timber that would be allocated to each of the 21 piles. Again, using the geographic information system, simulations were performed to determine the best routes linking the binomial piles of wood (sources) and the output of the farm (destinations) through a smaller distance algorithm.


sistema de informaÃÃes geogrÃficas. pesquisa operacional. planejamento florestal recursos florestais e engenharia florestal geographical information system, extraction of timber, operations research, weighted overlap, planning of forest harvesting and transport.

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