Metodologia para desenvolvimento de projeto de fachacas leves. / Methodology to develop lightweight facade design.




The facades are considered one of the most relevant building subsystems, contributing both to building valuation and its performance, and has a great importance concerning the sustainability. In addition, its execution and maintenance costs are expressive when compared to others subsystems. Because of its economical and technical importance, the façade technologies have been passing through constant evolution, for example the development of the lightweight façades system that can be used in many construction segments, as commercial building construction and building renovation. Although the use of lightweight façades technologies is increasing worldwide, its application in Brazil requires more precise researches regarding design and construction management and also performance requirements, as security, thermal and acoustic isolation, energy efficiency, watertightness, durability and maintenance. In this context, the objective of this work is to propose a methodology to develop the design process of the lightweight facade system for office buildings, applicable either to construction either to building renovation, discussing management and technology aspects. This work will be based on existing bibliography and on comparative study between Brazilian and French construction and renovation building practices. Thus, this work was divided in four stages: Brazilian studies; French studies; comparative analyses between these studies; and elaboration of the methodology. Concluding, the methodology proposed considers some aspects of the design process, particularized to lightweight façade technologies, taking into account management (agents, design management phases and aims, interfaces, technology selection and design and product critical analyses) and technological aspects (façade performance specifications).


vedações de fachada precast façade system quality renovação desempenho building renovation performance qualidade design reabilitação vedações verticais fachada leve projeto exterior wall fachada pré-fabricada lightweight façade

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