Metodologia para desenvolvimento de base de conhecimento aplicada à manutenção baseada em condição de usinas hidrelétricas




This work presents a methodology for the development of knowledge bases applied to the condition based maintenance and implementation of an intelligent system. The methodology describes a detailed method that includes since the collection of the data until the implementation of the rules. The work starts with the data collection. The knowledge engineering identified possible failures and the actions adopted to correct those imperfections. After that the structure of the knowledge base was defined and finally the implementation of the production rules. The intelligent maintenance system was projected to use the knowledge base as a thinking source. This allowed the maintenance of hydraulic turbines using both ways, the specialist system and the knowledge base. The implementation of the system allowed to realize data evaluation from the sensors installed in the plant. With the system it is possible to suggest maintenance decision and increase the security of the process. The data acquired from the sensors can be processed and interpreted by the system.


sistema especialista expert systems knowledge bases manutenção preditiva engenharia mecanica predictive maintenance base de conhecimento manutenção baseada em condição condition based maintenance

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