"Metodologia Automatizada para Seleção de Áreas para Disposição de Resíduos Sólidos. Aplicação na Região Metropolitana de Campinas (SP)" / "Automated methodology for the selection of areas for the disposal of solid wastes. Application to the Metropolitan Region of Campinas (SP)"




Objective. The general goal of this thesis is to develop a methodology for the selection of areas destined for the disposal of solid wastes, based on the principles and resources of Geoprocessing, through an Geographical Information System (GIS). Methodology. We analyze the aspects related to the land use and the fisiographical aspects of the terrain which interfere with the correct selection of areas for the disposal of solid wastes, at the regional scale (1:100,000). We also define the criteria for the association and hierarchical ordering of the attributes related to the aforementioned aspects. We develop logical technical procedures and ponderations with the attributes and implemented technological resources, operated in a concomitant way through the use of a GIS. Results. In order to evaluate the efficacy of the methodology, the procedures and the structured techniques of analysis are applied to a test area in the São Paulo State, namely to eighteen municipalities in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas. Conclusions. The methodology presented and the GIS proposed can be successfully used en diverse fisiographical situations, during the process of selecting areas for the disposal of solid wastes as well as when the data and information obtained become available for consulting. Therefore, this methodology constitutes an instrument appropriate to the planning, controlling and environmental management. The procedure used for the development of the proposed methodology may be used in future researches, with some alterations, when the need arises for a definition of the methodological structure necessary to analyses of greater detail, for licensing and implementing the disposal of solid wastes.


sensoriamento remoto engineering geological mapping geoprocessing geoprocessamento região metropolitana de campinas (sp) cartografia geotécnica environmental management solid waste gestão ambiental remote rensing resíduos sólidos metropolitan region of campinas (sp)

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