Metodologia automática de estimação de idade óssea utilizando análise de forma em radiografias carpais / Methodology automatic bone age estimation using analysis of form in hand-wrist radiographs




The objective of this project is to propose a methodology for estimating the bone age based on a fully automatic system using shape analysis of bone structures. The system aims to assist the diagnosis, supporting the decision of the physicians involved in the process. The methodology is divided into two main blocks. In the first, the middle finger is segmented from the radiograph of the whole hand. In the second, measurements are extracted using image processing techniques. Finally, the results are classified using correlation between the shape pattern of six different bone structures. The results show that the shape analysis is a better method for female diagnosis but it can be used as a good estimator for both genders.


análise de formas bone age processamento de imagem radiografia carpal image processing idade óssea analysis forms carpal radiography

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