Método para a avaliação do ganho empregado pelo piloto em ensaios de PIO / Method to evaluate pilot gain in PIO flight test




A method is proposed to verify losed-loop adequate flight test piloting gain in PIO aircraft certification. The synthetic tracking task PIO flight test is used. The theory is based on the entropy concept from information theory and on the structural pilot model of the human pilot. The method is presented for single axis pilot tracking maneuvers and offers a measure of the human pilot gain employed during its execution. A black-box, state-space, parameter-identified model is used for the plant. Flight test data from a FAR-25 transport aircraft is used to verify the theory of how to determine a measure of the ratio between time spent by the human pilot in the error loop versus in the error rate loop to control the aircraft. This measure is proposed as a test point validation method for PIO flight testing.


pilot in the loop oscillations aeronáutica closed-loop ensaios em vôo malha-fechada aeronautics pio (pilot induced oscillations) pio (pilot induced oscillations) flying qualities atmospheric flight mechanics flight test statistical entropy mecânica de vôo oscilações com piloto no loop qualidades de voo entropia estatística synthetic task

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