Metodo dos volumes finitos para leis de conservação




In this report, we study the convergence of the Finite Volume Method applied to multidimensional Scalar Conservation Laws, follows from Cockburn et. aI [7] and Benharbit et. al [3]. It is treated the Initial and Boundary Value Problem (IBVP). Finite Volume Method is applied to several problems, mainly in fluid dynamical, since 50 s years, but only in the last 15 years that has been improved. The great advantage this method is that is applied for complexes geometries and for shocks, commons in Conservation Laws. The convergence follows from Szepessy s [59] uniqueness result in the class of the entropy measure-valued solution. Compensated Compactness, MV-Solution and Measure Young for Conservation Laws has been appeared from Murat [46]-[47], Tartar [62]-[63] and Diperna s works [15]-[17], for Initial Value Problem (IVP) and 2 x 2 Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws; and, thereafter, for (BIVP) by Szepessy [59]. In follows these articles, Cockburn et al. and Benharbit et. al obtain, independently, the strong convergence of the scheme to the unique entropy discontinuous solution in the sense the Bardos [2]


equações diferenciais parciais lei da conservação (fisica) analise numerica dinamica dos fluidos

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