Método do tanque Classe A para irrigação da cevada, cultivar BRS 195, no cerrado.






ABSTRACT: Efficient use of water resources is the key to guarantee water suply for future human consumption and irrigation. in the irrigated areas of the Cerrado region pressurized irrigation systems allow high efficiency in water conduction. However, lack of knowledge in crop water requirement determine inadequated crop water management. Negative effect on crop due to excessive watering or irrigation in deficit are commonly seen in the irrigated agriculture. Using adequated crop coefficients determined in the Cerrado Biome, pan evaporation method can be used to help farmers in irrigation scheduling. By using a weighting lisimeter installed in a 8 ha area irrigated by center pivot, crop coeficients were determined for BRS 195 barley crop. These values are about 25% higher than the values found in the literature and explain why this method was not frequently used for irrigation scheduling in the Cerrado Biome.


irrigação manejo de água cevada variedade brs 195 cerrado hordeum vulgare evapotranspiração irrigation water management barley varieties evapotranspiration crop coefficient

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