Método de extração da posição de máquinas agrícolas por visão computacional baseado em redes pulsadas e ponto de fuga / Method for position extraction of agricultural machine based on pulsed neural networks and vanishing point




Cost reduction and productive process improvement are essential to increase yield in agricultural areas. Investments in technology become, therefore, important in a competitive world. This work presents a novel approach for extracting agricultural machine position, with respect to crop rows, processing images captured by a color video camera. The correct machine positioning in crop rows can improve agricultural processes such as spraying, decreasing the costs and increasing the area yield. The proposed method is based on the look-ahead and vanishing points techniques. These techniques allow the reduction of the algorithm complexity and, therefore, the reduction of the processing time. These characteristics added to the camera position may allow the system to control agricultural machines that run at high speeds, such as sprayers.


computer vision redes neurais pulsadas gps gps pulsed neural networks controle automático ponto de fuga vanishing point automatic control visão computacional

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