Método de auxílio diagnóstico da anatomia estático-torácica através da análise de imagens radiográficas digitalizadas




Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) causes innumerable deleterious effects on the pulmonary mechanisms and in the musculoskeletal structure that takes part in the ventilation process. The physiotherapeutic evaluation method of patients with COPD includes physical, air flow and additional radiographic examinations. However, the emphasis on air flow parameters reveals the little physiotherapeutic perception of the musculoskeletal changes in the patient. Evaluation methods specifically concerned with changes in the chest and thoracic musculature are very rare. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to create a method of diagnosis based on thoracic-static anatomy to evaluate individuals with and without COPD. To do so, digitize radiographies were analyzed in order to determine major structural variations produced by the pathology. Posterior radiographies taken in the upright position were studied. The individuals were all male, aged between 50 and 80 years old, without associative pathologies. The inclusion criteria were two: thoracic radiographies of patients diagnosed with moderate and severe COPD and thoracic radiographies of individuals with no thoracic pathology. All radiographies were evaluated by radiologists of the institution were part of this work was carried out. A total of 131 radiographies were analyzed, being 60 of COPD patients and 71 of normal individuals. After the digitization of the images, all radiological points of interest were selected for both groups. The variables considered were: retrosternal height, pulmonary width, right and left diaphragm basis heights, right and left costophrenic angles, right and left intercostal distances, the aortic arch and costal ribs obliquity. The results were significant for all variables studied except for the costal ribs obliquity. It has been noticed that there is a significant statistical difference between both groups, and that the measurements proposed can be used as a viable technological tool in physiotherapeutic diagnosis of COPD.


pulmões doenças diagnóstico engenharia medica tórax radiografia

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