Metodo baseado em heuristicas para avaliação de acessibilidade em sistemas de informação / Method based on heuristics to accessibility evaluation in information systems




To be more inclusive and less exclusive, the design of information systems must take into account accessibility issues. Nowadays, there are standards to guide the accessible design and, also, some accessibility evaluation methods, focused on the assessment of Web content, mainly. From all accessibility evaluation methods available, the most adopted nowadays are guidelines review and tests with users with disabilities. Both of them can be considered expensive methods and require a reasonable time to apply and to analyze so that several developers simply ignore accessibility evaluation during the software development cycle. Knowing these issues, this PhD thesis proposes an alternative method to evaluate accessibility, based on heuristics. The results of two experiments showed that the proposed accessibility heuristics are easy to learn, fast to apply and not expensive, therefore, it could be applied anytime during the software development cycle


heuristica accessibility usability acessibilidade universal design avaliação usabilidade design universal heuristic evaluation

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