Methodology of structural analysis and post-processing from offshore system simulations. / Metodologia de análise estrutural e pós-processamento a partir de simulações do comportamento de sistemas oceânicos.




This work presents a methodology developed to treat the hydrodynamic analysis of an offshore system conjointly with its structural analysis; the same methodology also allows for combined post-processing of data. Programming routines were created so as to enable the use of the time series of the forces present at the risers and mooring lines as input data for a finite element analysis solver software. Applying this forces in to the finite element model, and its subsequent analysis in time domain, it was possible to create an interface between the solver output, so that structural analysis could be imported into the hydrodynamic post-processor and visualised with the same movements obtained in the hydrodynamic analysis response. TPNView, the post-processor developed at the Tanque de Provas Numérico laboratory, was benefited from the programming routines and interfaces developed for this thesis. Using the aforedescribed visualisation tools, it became possible to monitor at once both the hydrodynamic and the structural behaviour of a system component.


offshore systems structural analysis pós-processamento de elementos finitos post-processing of finite element models modelagem de sistemas oceânicos análise estrutural

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