Methodology for comparative analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems / Metodologia para análise comparativa de sistemas de detecção de intrusão




This dissertations purpose is a methodology to evaluate IDSs, Intrusion Detection Systems, and it was developed to apply in a simple way in a corporate environment, presenting a sequence of procedures, which may be executed in a short time period. At first, the main attacks that a network is vulnerable are described. Then, a methodology purpose is shown, which consists in five steps: kind of attacks selection, attack tools selection, specification of a test model, IDSs selection and IDSs analysis. The methodology purpose was applied in a case study to be validated. The IDSs chosen to the evaluation were Snort and Bro and the results were analyzed and compared. This methodology showed itself efficient and able to be used in comparisons of IDSs


snort segurança estudo de caso snort attacks sistema de detecção de intrusão bro metodologia ids security case study sdi engenharia eletrica ataque (computador) redes de computadores bro methodology sistema de prevenção de intrusão

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