Methanosarcina mutant unable to produce methane or assimilate carbon from acetate.


Mutants of Methanosarcina barkeri 227 resistant to monofluoroacetate were isolated from monofluoroacetate-treated cultures. Mutant strain FAr9 was 100 times more resistant to monofluoroacetate than the wild-type strain and was deficient in carbon uptake and CH4 and CO2 production from methyl-labeled acetate. Methanol was assimilated at increased levels. Strain FAr9 was unable to shift from using methanol to using acetate for growth and exhibited increased sensitivity to growth inhibition by NaCN in methanol-containing complex medium. Unlike parent strain 227, acetate addition to methanol-containing media did not prevent NaCN inhibition. The specific activities of enzymes of exogenous acetate assimilation, CO dehydrogenase, and enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle were similar for mutant and parent strain cell extracts. Mutation to monofluoroacetate resistance did not confer simultaneous resistance to 2-bromoethanesulfonate or pyruvate or alter propionate uptake. We conclude that strain FAr9 is either an acetate permeability mutant or is defective in an activation step required for the catabolism and anabolism of acetate.

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