Metamorfoses do humano: experimentações etnográficas em um laboratório de neurociência / Matamorphosis of human: ethnographcal experiments in a laboratory of neurosciences


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work has as central focus the analysis of the quandaries gifts in the production of knowledge concerning the emotions and of the human behavior in the neurosciences. For this, an ethnography in an operating laboratory in area of the psychofisiology or neurobiology of the emotions was become fullfilled. More specifically, one is about a center of research that currently carries through experiments with colleges student, military and psychiatric patients in intention to investigate relative questions to the call post-traumatic stress disorder, neuromarketing, among others questions related to the urban violence and aversive situations in a general way. To understand the centrality acquired for the body - and in special the brain - in the definition of the Person, one searched to follow daily of transformation and problematic the neuroscienfics ece of fish updates already since the historical delineation of the modern fisicalism. One searched to still attempt against for the trajectories of the developed programs of research and the academic life of the researchers, as well as for the intrinsic controversies to a scientific activity that if considers to argue a ontology for the human being.


antropologia da ciência e da tecnologia neurociências corpo pessoa saude coletiva anthropology of science and technology neurosciences body person

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