Metalinguagem e alfabetização: efeitos de uma intervenção para recuperação de alunos com dificuldades na aprendizagem da linguagem escrita / Metalanguage and Literacy: effects of an intervention for recovering of students with difficulties in the written language learning




There are strong empirical evidences in the specialized literature regarding the relationship between reading and writing skills and metalinguistic skills. However, there is still little research that analyzes the effects of interventions, especially with speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. This research investigated the influence of an intervention program, based on activities focused on the development of awareness of formal and structural aspects of the language, with a view to the field of metaphonological and metasyntactical skills on the development of reading and writing skills. The survey had an experimental type delineation carried out with an experimental group and a control group in three phases: pre-test and posttest for all participants and intervention for the experimental group in the classroom. Forty four children of both gender of the second year of the public elementary education, aged from 08 to 12 years, took part in this survey. The children were from two regular classrooms in which they had diversity in terms of performance in the literacy process. Some of them already dominated the writing system, but many of them didnt have this domain. It was accomplished collective application of writing valuation tasks and single application of reading, phonological awareness and syntactical awareness valuation tasks before and after the intervention. The intervention consisted of 16 sessions of collective application of metaphonological ludic activities and 15 sessions of metasyntactical ludic activities. The data were submitted to the Students T test. The results showed that there were significant differences, comparing the pre-test and post-test means, to the tasks of words writing, reading and metaphonological and metasyntactical skills. Both groups made a significant upgrade in tasks of reading and metasyntactical skills. It is concluded that the effectiveness of the intervention program has an important pedagogical implication as it shows that it is possible to recover lateness in written language in children of the early years of elementary education through training in phonological awareness, grapheme-phoneme matching and syntactical awareness in actual circumstances of the classroom.


consciência fonológica language development metalanguage consciência sintática cognitive psychology psicologia cognitiva psychological intervention desenvolvimento da linguagem intervenção psicológica phonological awareness metalinguagem syntactic awareness

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