Metáforas do mosaico: Timor Leste em Ruy Cinatti e Luis Cardoso / Metaphors of the mosaic: East Timor in Ruy Cinatti and Luis Cardoso


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In the construction of the still incipient discourse on East Timor, Ruy Cinatti and Luis Cardoso are fundamentally important authors. Both build discourses about Timor based on the need to think about questions of identity. With his multifarious character, Cinatti presents a broad overview of the Timorese and their territory, through his poetic work and also through his countless scientific studies about the place and its inhabitants. Cinatti is, beyond doubt, one of the few poets to articulate science and poetry, introducing a new vision of Timor. It is also crucial to perceive how there was, in his case, an evolution in the image of the East Timorese, or, in other words, how he ceases to be a simple exotic element, in a landscape in itself exotic, and then appears as an outstanding element. During the several periods he spent in the territory of East Timor, Ruy Cinatti wrote many scientific studies, in addition to poetry. The analysis of some of these documents complements the reading of the authors poetry. The countless photos he took, as well as records on film, are also crucial elements in an overall understanding of Cinattis discourse about Timor. Ruy Cinatti, as well as all of his work, influenced the Timorese novelist Luís Cardoso, who makes use of memory to narrate personal events, always linked to historical facts about Timor. He constantly uses the unofficial memory to retrieve the history that was not recorded. His narrative has strong features of oral literature, with touches of fantastic realism. The present work searches to draw a parallel between these two authors, showing how each builds his own image of Timor, and to understand how Timor is pictured in the narrative of these two authors.


east timor identidade identity luís cardoso luis cardoso memória memory ruy cinatti ruy cinatti timor leste

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