Metadiscoursivity and persuasion in interviews given by candidates running for Mayors Office in São Paulo / Metadiscursividade e persuasão em entrevistas com candidatos à Prefeitura de São Paulo




This work aims at investigating and describing the relations between metadiscoursivity and persuasion, point not properly scrutinized in spite of being often mentioned in metadiscourse-related studies. In order to do so, this research hypothetically bases upon the relevance of such expressions especially in contexts which turn out to present polemicity in the interaction, such as verbal procedures situating the development of argumentative strategies, both in terms of objective evidences of the argumentation, being held here by the set of argumentative strategies arranged by Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (1996), and in relation to the subjective evidences, especially the constitution of the discursive ethos. It is a major assumption the notion of metadiscourse as a strategy of referenciation, an interactive textual means which instantiates the discourse itself as an object of discourse. In its turn, the language itself is regarded as a form of action, a privileged space in which protagonists situate themselves with respect to others and, as part of a certain cognitive, historical, social context, wish to exercise their influence on interlocutors. It is also taken into consideration Critical Discourse Analysis-oriented studies in order to analyze the role of metadiscursive procedure in the constitution of exercises of power and interactional control. In addition to these fundamentals, the investigation also comprises, besides Rhetoric, theoretical lines of approach of the Conversation Analysis, Interactional Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis (Textual Linguistics), encompassed in the Interactive Perspective Theory and Critical Discourse Analysis. It is assumed that such theoretical chains are closely related in a complementary fashion, instituting a kind of theoretical continuum grounded on an axis related to the Theory of Action, seen as a key notion to the understanding of language as a form of action and knowledge as a central system shared by interactants. The analyzed corpus consists of two interviews of the Roda Viva Television Program featured in 2004, transcribed according to the NURC Projects transcripts. The interviewees are two opponent candidates running the São Paulos City Hall namely José Serra and Marta Suplicy.


critical discourse analysis control persuasion perspectiva textual- interativa metadiscoursivity controle interactive textual perspective metadiscursividade análise crítica do discurso persuasão

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