Messianism in John the Baptist and in Jesus / MESSIANISMO EM JOÃO BATISTA E EM JESUS




This theis develops a profile of the Messiah as announced by John the Baptist through his words. It also develops a profile of messiah as developed by Jesus through his deeds. The sense of the force of the messianic construct is examined in the first chapter through the history of the Jewish people. With the initiation of the Monarchy elements such as sacred anointing,, the perpetuity of the Davidic dynasty, and the perpetuation of divine blessing were united.. Some popular messianic leaders such as Athronges, Simon bar Giora, Menahem ben Ezechias, besides the messiah at Qumran are portrayed.. The second chapter studies the exegesis of Mt 11,2-6 in order to ascertain the unique model of messianism that Jesus would have developed through his works. The exegesis of the same text studies the messianic model that John the Baptist expected and constructed through his inquiry. The sick, the lame, the lepers are analyzed in the messianic context of Mathews and Lukes citations of Isaiah. In the third part the previous chapters are retaken in relation to the messiasnic characteristics of both protagonists. John is tempered by elements such as the desert, atonement, and his concept of baptism. In Jesus case the elements that temper his ministry are the messianic servant and the miracle worker. Thus one arrives at a profile of messiah as announced by John the Baptist and developed by Jesus.


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