Mercosul: união aduaneira e crescimento do comércio regional




On March 26, 1991, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay signed the Agreement of Assunção, whose objective was the constitution of the Market Commom of Sur-Mercosur that went into effect on January 1st, 1995. As the most recent experience in the process of Latin-American integration, Mercosur enrolls in the strategy of commercial liberalization and competitive insert of the region countries into the world market. The OBJECTIVE of this work was to analyze the process of customs union and its results on the regional trade evolution. METHODOLOGY In order to study the process of customs union, the customs regime of the countries members were analyzed, along with the process of liberalization of tariffs and the evolution of the trade among these countries. Finally, the automobile and dairy products markets were specifically studied, growing up an indicator of competitiveness in those sections for Brazil an Argentina. CONCLUSION In front "open regionalism" (Cepal), the integration of Mercosur verified in the last years, has showed significant results. During the transition period and the four years of integration (1991-1998) the most significant progress refer to liberalization of the intra-regional trade, establishment of the External Common Tariff and the expressive growth of the trade among the countries membres, from US$ 4 billion in 1990 to US$ 20 billion in 1997 (400%), revealing an intense process of custom union, what inserts Mercosur in the most successful project of economical integration in the region


mercado unificado laticinios economia mercosul gatt

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