Mensuração do risco sistêmico no setor bancário com utilização de variáveis contábeis e econômicas / Systemic risk measurement in the banking sector with accounting and economic variables




The systemic risk in the financial system has been a constant concern for the international institutions and supervisory authorities. The financial crises occurred in Latin America, Southeast Asia, Russia, and other countries, have caused significant economic damages and high social costs. The related researches have tried to find common characteristics able to early warn the proximity of crises. Up to now, the variables that have been used come from economic features, like international reserves, foreign exchange rate, and external debt. Considering the high correlation between the financial system and the economic health, the objective of this study is to measure the systemic risk of the banking system, utilizing accounting and economic variables together. Through the volatilities of economic variables, like interest rate and foreign exchange rate, and accounting variables, representatives of credit quality and liquidity, it was possible to build indicators comprising risk factors. These indicators, added to simple accounting indicators, were submitted to logistic regression analysis, in order to test the statistic significance of them, and to verify the existence of a model to evaluate the probability of any banking system be classified as susceptible, or not, to financial crises. The results exposed the existence of accounting and risk indicators capable to discriminate banking systems according to the risk level. The accounting and economic variables most associated to financial crises are related to credit quality, earnings, and interest rate level. All of indicators composed by these variables showed to be relevant in the classification process, highlighting those related to the volatility of non-performing loans, profitability, and interest rate, as well those representatives of the profitability and credit risk means. Confirming that, the equations resulted in correct classification above 90%. In addition to the correct segregation between groups, the countries classifications were weighted by the systemic risk index (IRS), which expresses the probability to become to each group. The classification of countries by the level of systemic risk provides parameters for comparison of situations and to take actions adjusted to the severity of each one. Through these indexes (IRS), it is possible to recognize which country has more or less systemic risk, and to monitor trends and critical points, which are so important to the authorities responsible for the financial system stability.


banking crises crise bancária financial crises accounting - indicators crise financeira contabilidade - indicadores risk risco

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