Mensuração de sustentabilidade para destinações turísticas: aplicabilidade da metodologia de indicadores da OMT em Florianópolis




Sustainability and development can turn into two conflicting objectives to a society due the human activity interaction on environment. Tourism, multisector phenomena in its economic dimension and multidimensional in its impacts, share the complex dilemma of sustainability and development, considering that its attractiveness is based on the natural resources that compound its incomes and products. Among the challenges found in tourism management, reaching sustainability can be highlighted and it will be studied within this work by the practical applicability of a method of measuring impacts by the use of sustainability indicators. This research was made at Florianópolis and the chosen method of measuring impacts was the indicators methodology of sustainable development for touristic destinations recommended by WTO World Travel Organization. The choice was based in a theory revision about the methods of sustainability indicators presents in the literature and in comparative assessments of these methodologies by anterior scientific studies. The research searched a method which could measure at the same time the economical, sociocultural and environmental dimensions and which could be allocated to a touristic destination. This work had as objective the analysis of the WTO methodology in Florianópolis and as a result it has the creation of a comparative table of sustainability measuring methods adapted to touristic destinations


metodologia de indicadores de sustentabilidade wto tourism omt impacts indicadores sociais impactos turismo indicadores econômicos turismo florianópolis (sc) administracao indicators of sustentability methodology

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