Menina carregando menino : sexualidade e familia entre jovens de origem rural em um municipio do Vale do Jequitinhonha (MG)




This study was done with younglins of rural background who live in a county at the Vale do Jequitinhonha - MG, BRAZIL. The main social subject s ages range from fourteen to nineteen years old and their life s experiences were made among the rural and the urban contexts. Others younglins of higher ages were also studied and interviewed. Some of the subjects were filmed and photographed. We made use of these imagens as a metodological procedure. Jn a first step we showed these images back to the social subjects so as to give them aditional elements for thought on to the knowledge that was being produced about them. With this materialwe created the video "Tales of Rosário" (18 min, available in VHS and CD-R), that will be one of the waysby which the present study will be delivered to the people involved as a ways of retribution for their participation. The main concems of this investigation - Sexuality and Family in a rural or "rurban" context - refers both to the experiences and representations of sexuality among boys and girls and to the transformations that succeeded in their rural families subjected to these experiences. The reports, made by younglins and adults, on their experiences with sexuality,the reprodutive health and the questions related to the prevention of sexually transmited diseases are alI justaposed with their experiences with other transversal issues, like the gossip and religiousness, that happen to occur in the present research subject s behavior. The background of this reasearch is thus related to the changes occulTedin the sociocultural values of the subjects researched, upon which the coletive and gerational values are contrastedwith the individualvalues,and the subsequentreframingof the rural families . structures


minas gerais vida rural - minas gerais farm life jovens sexuality family sexualidade young adults familia

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